Leader LV5770 Multiformat Waveform/Vectorscope
The LV 5770A is highly cost effective because it supports full-format 3G-SDI, HD dual link, HD-SDI, and SD-SDI signals.

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Multi-Monitor; Base Unit Supports 2 x 3G/HD/SD-SDI

A long awaited, reasonably priced solution for 3G/HD/SD-SDI test and monitoring applications, our new LV5770 Multi-Monitor simultaneously monitors two 3G/HD/SD-SDI sources and displays picture, waveform, vector, 5-Bar, Cinelite and status individually or in various screen combinations. Optional digital and analog audio I/O provides for built-in de-embed and digital to analog audio conversion. Eye pattern monitoring and composite input options round out this very affordable test solution.

The LV 5770 is a multi monitor that can be customized with a variety of units to meet your needs. The LV 5770 is highly cost effective because it supports full-format  3G-SDI,  HD  dual  link,  HD-SDI,  and  SD-SDI signals. The LV 5770 has a variety of features including simultaneous monitoring of two SDI signals, SDI signal frame capture, lipsync measurement, Pic Moni Output, and improved flexibility in laying out the display, all of which provide you with leading-edge technology.

Additional Features:

  • XGA Display and DVI-D Output
    • The LCD display is a 6.3-inch XGA screen (the effective resolu-tion is 1024 × 768). In addition, the screen images are transmitted from a DVI-D connector that supports single link TMDS, so the screen image can be displayed larger than is possible on the LV 5770 through the use of an external LCD monitor display.
  • Pic Moni Output
    • The input SDI signal can be generated as a Pic Moni Output signal.  (This  requires  the  LV 5770SER08  option  or  the  LV 5770SER09  option.)  However,  analog  composite  input  (LV 5770SER03) cannot be generated as a Pic Moni Output signal.
  • Frame Capture and Screen Capture Features
    • The LV 5770 is equipped with a frame capture feature, which  captures  single  frames  in  an  SDI  signal.  Frames  can  be captured  manually  or  automatically  when  errors  occur. This feature  is suitable  for  performing  data  analysis  when  errors occur. The  LV  5770  is  also  equipped  with  a  screen  capture feature, which captures the entire display as still-image data.
  •  External Control Connectors (Future)
    • The LV 5770 has two external control connectors: an Ethernet port and a remote control connector. The Ethernet interface can be used to  control  the  LV  5770  remotely  over TELNET,  perform  file  transfers over FTP, control the LV 5770 remotely and detect errors over SNMP, as well as perform other operations all from the connected PC. The  remote  control  connector  can  be  used  to  load  presets, switch the input signal, and transmit errors.
  • Headphone Jack
    • The headphone jack can be used to monitor audio. (This requires the LV 5770SER41 optional unit.)


  • Eye Pattern & Jitter Measurement Capabilities (Option 09) For Evaluating The Condition Of SDI Feeds; SMPTE Recommended Filters And Auto-Measurement Is Provided.
  • Digital Audio Capabilities (Option 41) Permit Audio Analysis and Output of Embedded Audio; 16 Channels Of AES/EBU Can Be Set Up As Inputs or Outputs; 8 Channels Input and 8 Channels Output Configuration Is Also Available (Menu Selectable).
  • Analog Audio Capabilities (Option 42) Provide For 8 Channels Of Analog Audio (In or Out). The Selected Digital Audio Can Be Converted And Output As Analog Audio. (Option 42 requires the presence of Option 41).
  • Dolby Digital Support And Dolby Metadata Analysis Is Available As Option 41D.
  • Two Composite Inputs (Option 03) With Switched Monitor Output Provide Picture, Waveform & Vector Test Screens For NTSC & PAL Composite Systems.

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