LED Repair Spotlight: Cheshire AV

Making live events happen takes an incredible team and that’s exactly what Cheshire AV has built over the 30 years they have been in business. We wanted to dig in a little more and learn about their growth and how LED plays a pivotal part.

NW: Can you tell us a little bit about your company and the scope of your work?

C: Cheshire AV is an award-winning, full-service audio, visual, and lighting company renowned for utilizing cutting-edge technology to effectively convey each client’s distinctive message. Our focus on every detail guarantees a flawless and sophisticated event that highlights each client’s best qualities. This year, Cheshire is celebrating 30 years of excellent service. What originally started as a solution provider for corporate meetings and events has expanded to now include services for exhibit houses as well. We’re also working in trade shows as well as doing large events for National Associations and State Associations.


NW: When did Cheshire get started in LED? What type of tiles do you own?

C: When we saw the live events industry beginning to use LED, we started out by just renting LED for the events that called for them. Then, in 2018 or so, we invested in a small batch of beMatrix 2.5 because it worked on the tradeshow side of things really well. beMatrix is very compatible and uniform for trade shows. A lot of walls are built in tandem with beMatrix’s structures that are really common at tradeshows so this directed our attention towards them. We have since got ESDlumen 2.9mm Dazzle III because 2.9 fits the staging world better. It’s a little more durable, better for outdoors and broad daylight as opposed to the previous solution of a small projector and fastfold screen.



NW: Wow, Nationwide doesn’t rent either of those, but you still leverage LED repair!  How did you initially hear about our LED repair service?

C: We previously used a different third-party vendor and the turnaround time was starting to get longer and longer. Nationwide consequently stepped in and turned our damaged tiles around for a job that was hinging on those damaged tiles. Providing that solution in such a timely manner was incredibly valuable to us.
When we first bought our Dazzle III batch, there were some tiles that didn’t come in looking great. It was as simple as sending them over to Nationwide for repair.  We even shipped them in some custom foam inserts that Nationwide provided; those inserts were able to protect them and prevent any damage before they ever saw their first show.
We find it very important to keep our LED inventory up to date so when pop up jobs happen, our inventory is healthy. Nationwide Repair really helps us do that. Our most recent repair was over 100 mods that needed to be serviced within a couple of months and we didn’t even question it. Nationwide Repair was the trusted source for that.


NW: How did Nationwide earn your trust as an LED repair solution?

C: LED damage is a cost of doing business, but we’re much more than just an LED company. We didn’t have the resources to repair our LED internally and it makes much more sense for our business to find experts that can repair our tiles. Beyond just the repair, we appreciate the fact that Nationwide is more of an all in one solution these days. With Nationwide’s direct connection to manufacturers, we’re able to use that one-stop solution to purchase new gear like our Panasonic 21Ks. We’ve also taken advantage of some of the longer-term rental/leasing options on large-scale projection. If we don’t have the units in house that are large enough to match our screen sizes for big shows, we know we can get some large-scale projection from our partners at Nationwide.


To learn more about the work Cheshire AV does or to hire them for your next event, visit Cheshire AV.

As mentioned, LED damage is a cost of doing business in the live events industry. Working with Nationwide as a partner for LED Repair can keep your tiles in your cases and show-ready. To learn more about Nationwide’s LED Repair Service, visit Nationwide Video.

To learn more about buying your new equipment from Nationwide, click here.