
Randy Mach Honored with OPAV Vendor Partner of the Year Award!

Randy Mach, Regional Customer Service Manager for Nationwide Video, has been awarded the OPAV Vendor Partner of the Year Award for 2023.  The award, in recognition of his unwavering commitment and exceptional support of OPAV, stands as a testament to Mach’s outstanding performance throughout the year.

The OPAV Vendor Partner of the Year Award is given to individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and commitment to excellence as a vendor partner in the AV industry. Randy’s consistent hard work, dedication to exceeding expectations by going above and beyond with clients, and commitment to creating solutions have cemented his all-star status in the customer support space.

Brad McMartin, National Customer Service Manager at Nationwide Video, had the following to say about Randy’s commitment to providing great customer support: “It was no surprise to me when I heard that our customer, OPAV, voted Randy Mach their vendor of the year. Randy consistently goes above and beyond for our clients. From offering alternate gear to cover a need, to anticipating potential issues and building contingency plans to cover every angle. I think the best way to describe it is that he becomes an external extension of his customers’ teams. They get an extra PM, consultant, and part time magician when they work with him on a project.”

Throughout 2023, Randy has consistently gone above and beyond for all Nationwide Clients.  Leveraging his past show-site experience, Randy frequently assists clients in many phases of their events, not just booking rental gear. His dedication to delivering an excellent customer experience is the foundation to his continued relationship building with all Nationwide partners.  We’re often told by clients “you’d hate doing business without having a guy like him!”

The OPAV Vendor Partner of the Year Award not only acknowledges Randy’s accomplishments but also serves as an inspiration for other customer service representatives at Nationwide. Our team is honored to see one of our own recognized by our partners, and this drives further inspiration to the remaining team-members.  His commitment to the customer service experience and his “always-on” dedication, nurtures trust and confidence with our clients.  This confidence and trust is invaluable in our industry, further proving he is a well-deserving recipient of The OPAV Vendor Partner of the Year Award for 2023.  From All of us At Nationwide, Thank you OPAV for seeing and recognizing what we see daily!

If you want to work with Randy Mach and experience his award-winning work ethic, please contact us at info@subrent.com or call 800-935-2323.